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powered by Paysafe

SwipeSimple logo powered by Paysafe

Turn transactions into experience when you use SwipeSimple powered by Paysafe to grow and build your small business. With SwipeSimple, you can get up and running in minutes, saving time and money for your business.


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SwipeSimple Mobile

SwipeSimple Payment Gateway

SwipeSimple A920

SwipeSimple is your business’s one-stop-payment shop, where you can:

  • Track your inventory
  • Set up item modifiers to automatically adjust item prices
  • Create payment links and send them via email or text
  • Receive notifications when inventory is low or when a sale is made
  • Access a variety of tipping options
  • Track sales and tips by employees and generate reports
  • Set up preset discounts to simplify sales and promotions
  • Store customer contact information
  • Print receipts or send them via email or text

Make every transaction count with SwipeSimple and powered by Paysafe

There's no need to spend hours researching and comparing credit card processors. With SwipeSimple, you can get setup in minutes and start taking payments wherever your business takes you.

We offer everything from simple desktop software to fully integrated, all-in-one point of sale (POS) systems that allow you to accept cash and credit cards on the spot.

Ready to build your SwipeSimple system?
Call us at 888-299-3324