Taking the complexity out of utility and municipal payments

Paysafe works closely with each government partner and utility provider to create custom payment solutions to service your constituents and customers.

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Expertise, where it counts

We offer our government, municipality and utility customers guidance and tools to help them maximize value for their constituents and customers. When it comes to these types of secure and account-based payments, you want to work with a payments partner who has a wide breadth of solutions to customize your user experience, giving your customers the ability to pay the way they want to pay in a safe and secure manner.

Give your clients the flexibility of accepting cash…online!

Offer cash as an alternative online payment option by integrating a pre- and post- eCash solution from Paysafe, with a 100% payment guarantee and no risk of chargebacks. With PaysafeCash you give your clients access to customers without online banking or credit card solutions.

Customers can use PaysafeCash to pay for rent, online purchases, utility bills, loans, insurance, healthcare invoices or in any other environment where credit cards are not the ideal form of payment.

Learn more about PaysafeCash