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Repenser les envois de fonds avec la monnaie électronique
Un milliard de personnes dans le monde dépendent des envois de fonds pour joindre les deux bouts et améliorer leur situation économique. Toutefois, en raison de la rapidité de la numérisation, il est devenu plus difficile pour les migrants qui dépendent de l’argent liquide d’envoyer de l’argent à leurs proches et pour les bénéficiaires des économies fondées sur l’argent liquide de l’utiliser. La monnaie électronique peut combler cette lacune et rendre les services d’envoi de fonds plus accessibles à tous.
eCash’s impact on DACH neobanks post COVID-19
Despite being home to some of the biggest names in the industry — N26, bunq, and Vivid Money just to name three — the DACH region has lagged behind the rest of Europe when it comes to neobank adoption. Could accepting eCash move the needle as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic?
How can financial services providers become more inclusive?
For both fintechs and incumbents, a stand-out customer experience is increasingly synonymous with digitalization. But a truly inclusive financial system should be accessible to everyone, including those who predominantly rely on cash.
Lost in Transaction 2022: 5 key findings from our latest research on consumer payment habits
How has the skyrocketing cost of living changed customers’ payment preferences? What are their expectations moving forward, and how do they fit with the payment trends we've been observing over the past few years? In April this year, we interviewed 11,000 consumers in 10 countries across Europe and the Americas to find out.
Why Gen Z holds the key for neobanks
Digital banking continues to challenge traditional financial services, but the competition for customers is getting fierce. So who will come out on top?
Is 2021 the year of mass adoption of challenger banks in Europe?
While challenger banks have captured the imaginations of increasingly digital-savvy consumers, we're still a long way away from mass adoption.
Are cash payers the future customers of challenger banks?
Being dynamic and agile, particularly in the pursuit of better user experience for customers, is a common trait of digital banks. This is key to their competitive advantage when compared to traditional banking. And while cash consumers seem to represent a rather conservative demographic as it relates to financial services, this group is an increasingly attractive target for digital banks, especially during the global pandemic.
Is cash the key to digital financial services growth?
Integrating cash into eWallets is critical to attracting consumers that are new to the world of online payments.
Neobanks vs traditional banks: who has the advantage?
Digital banks will continue to have an impact on the banking sector in 2020. But is their long-term future bright, and what do they need to do to continue their growth?