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Before Paysafe, Zak worked for Jackpocket, an innovative app that enables people to buy official state lottery tickets online, where he was VP of Strategy and Product. As one of Jackpocket’s first executive hires, he was responsible for developing the strategy, the product and the approach that enabled Jackpocket to swiftly expand into 10 U.S. jurisdictions, achieving a #7 entertainment app store ranking, and acquiring millions of new lottery customers in the process. While there, he also worked with celebrities, sports teams, and large media brands such as Barstool Sports to successfully grow Jackpocket’s brand presence nationally. Before that, Cutler worked as Director of Product Management for DraftKings, one of the world’s best-known brands in sports entertainment and gaming, where he was responsible for all product initiatives related to payment processing, U.S. compliance, and international expansion.
Featured articles and reports from Zak
Cash flows on: The enduring importance of online cash for sportsbooks
Discover why online cash products give online sportsbooks a competitive edge when converting sports bettors and improving their payment experience.
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Weight of the wallet: Digital wallets’ powerful payments role for sportsbooks
Discover the value of digital wallets for online sportsbooks’ conversion of sports bettors and their payment strategies.
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Beyond Super Bowl: Payments & the gameplan for US sportsbooks’ growth
Discover how payments are proving instrumental for U.S. online sports-betting brands in starting new customer relationships and engaging their current player-base.
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Payments’ value in starting the customer experience for UK & European online sportsbooks
Find out how payments are key in converting online sportsbooks’ customers and starting the player experience.
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Social casino and skill game operators can drive growth with eCash
How online cash can help social casino and skill game operators meet player needs.
- Jan 03, 2024
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iGaming: Winning players trust through payment security
Offering a wide range of secure and convenient payment methods can help iGaming operators enhance the wagering experience, boost trust and improve retention
- Oct 03, 2023
Wie eCash den europäischen iLotterieanbietern helfen kann, den Jackpot bei den Kunden zu knacken
Die Verbraucher in ganz Europa nehmen Online-Lotterien immer mehr an. Wie können die Betreiber also sicherstellen, dass sie das bestmögliche Erlebnis bieten, um die Erwartungen der Spieler zu erfüllen? Das Angebot einer Vielzahl von Zahlungsoptionen, einschließlich Online-Bargeld, ist entscheidend.
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Wie Zahlungen das Wachstum des erweiterten iGaming-Marktes in Ontario vorantreiben
Auf dem Canadian Gaming Summit, der diese Woche in Toronto stattfindet, reflektiert Zak Cutler, President of Global Gaming bei Paysafe, über den expandierenden Online-Sportwettenmarkt in Ontario und argumentiert, dass ein lokalisierter und diversifizierter Zahlungsstapel für die Kundengewinnung und -bindung unerlässlich ist.
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Die Rolle von Zahlungen bei der Stärkung der Beziehungen von Online-Sportwetten zu VIP-Kunden
Sportwettende mit hohen Einsätzen sind wohl das wichtigste Kundensegment für Online-Sportwetten. Unter Bezugnahme auf unsere jüngste Studie "All the ways players pay" argumentiert Zak Cutler, Paysafe's President of Global Gaming, dass Zahlungen der Schlüssel zur Gewinnung und Bindung dieser begehrten Kunden sind.
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