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What International Women’s Day means to me

International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender equality. We asked members of our Women@Paysafe community network to tell us what International Women’s Day means to them, and why it is an important moment to reflect on gender equality issues.

Tara Wilson, Chief Operating Officer, Income Access - Montreal:

“To me, International Women’s Day gives us a chance to acknowledge and appreciate women’s achievements. We need to feel proud at how far we have come and what it took for us to get here. It is an opportunity to honor those that have, and continue to, fight for equal rights, challenge stereotypes and bias, and promote gender equality. I celebrate this day to not only highlight the good, but because I feel that we should recognize we still have a lot of work to do with representation of women in the workplace, the gender gap in employment, and diversity in the Board room.”

Chi-Eun Lee, EVP and Chief of Staff – London:

“This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is #ChooseToChallenge…challenge inequality and bias and question stereotypes and fixed mindsets not only in others but also in ourselves.  On this special day we celebrate the amazing people who committed themselves to reduce inequality and create a more inclusive culture. We also remember all the women in our lives that inspired us, encouraged us, and challenged us to be better.  Let’s be that person for others.”

Nina Koroliova, Senior Manager, Insights & Analytics - London:

“For me, International Women’s Day represents a triumph of justice, the Human Rights movement, and the start of a new era for the entire human race. It is a day to celebrate heroes that came before me and you, who fought for all of us, and who were brave, strong, and courageous. This day reminds me of the progress we’ve made and recognises those who not only changed the world, but continue to inspire men, women, and non-binary people to continue working towards true equality and changes of the social norms in both our professional and personal lives.” 

Alana Kazykhan, Sales Manager PSP, PaysafeCard - Vienna: 

“Maya Angelou once said: “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style.” These words express exactly what being a woman means to me.

International Women’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate many advancements and changes around equality, but also a reminder to bring light to improvements that still need to be done and challenge the status quo. So, let us thrive with confidence, support each other with empathy and continue doing so with positive attitudes.”

Vasilena Goranova, Senior Compliance Risk Assessment Officer, Policy & Ethics, Compliance - Sofia:

“For me International Women’s Day is the day to celebrate the incredible power of women. I truly believe that as women we all have a unique mixture of empathy, passion, faith, adaptability, courage, and ambition, and this is what make us strong. We simply need to believe in ourselves and go for it!

So, as someone once said: ‘Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them’.”

Johanna Maria Leiner, VP Compliance and Ethics - Vienna:

“For me International Women’s day means two things: On the one hand it is a day to honour successful women all over the world and to celebrate the achievements in regard to gender equality throughout history. On the other hand, it is also a day to reflect and to remember that there are still so many areas where women are struggling and facing unequal treatment and that we still have a long way to go.

If we look at the European Union as one example: The ‘Gender Equality Index’ measures the progress of gender equality and in 2020 the EU reached an average of 67.9 points out of 100. There is a small amount of progress each year, but it is very slow. If we continue with the pace of the last ten years, it will take us more than 60 years (!) to achieve gender equality in the EU. This is not good enough. Everybody benefits from equality, so we need to act faster.”

Jess Sirha, Senior B2B Marketing & Events Manager, Digital Wallets – London:

“For me, International Women’s Day is a day to CELEBRATE WOMEN ALL AROUND THE WORLD, regardless of their ethnicity, race, linguistic, cultural, economic or political divisions. It’s about raising awareness for women’s equality and respect, and it’s important to recognise their achievements, their successes, and really celebrate who they are today, and how far they have come.”