Contact us

To help us direct your question to the best team to provide an answer please select which option best describes you.

  • I would like to speak to someone about setting up a new account
  • I'm an existing customer and need help with my account
  • I’m looking to integrate payments to my software platform or application

Your one-stop-shop for retail and hospitality payments

Deliver a seamless customer experience with flexible payment solutions locally or globally.

Contact us

Customer paying by card

Trusted By

Simple payment solutions for retail and hospitality

Frictionless customer experience and seamless payment options

Individual holding door open at cafe entrance

Provide a simple, scalable checkout experience

Enhance the checkout experience for your customers.

  • Seamless checkout with an intuitive user interface 
  • Tokenization and customer profile management 
  • Recurring payments made easy 
Two people managing shoe inventory in a small business warehouse

Build long-term growth

Grow your online business by accepting multiple payment methods. ​​​​​​

  • Drive revenue by giving customers more payment choices 
  • Customer acquisition by digitising cash 
  • Process over 100+ payment methods and 40 currencies 
Individual in store holding tablet near clothing racks

Supporting your business’ success

We give you the insights and support you need.

  • In-depth reporting and self-service portal
  • Real-time performance metrics
  • Expert client service team

Grow your business with tailored payment solutions

Provide a seamless customer experience with Paysafe

Give customers a simple checkout experience and the flexibility to choose how they want to pay.

A person making online payments on a smartphone

Interested in taking your customer experience to the next level?

We’ve got you covered.