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Lost in Transaction: Volume II
Paysafe have undertaken research that reveals a new payments eco-system in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
In Lost in Transaction: Volume I, we explored the consumer behaviours in the context of rising trends in payments methods. This report, Lost in Transaction: Volume II, examines the the reality of customer expectations of data security and explores why merchant attitudes towards payment methods might not be aligned to these expectations.
The balance between providing a frictionless checkout experience and robust security measures at the same time is a delicate one. Read on to gain some insight to the convenience versus security conundrum that merchants can often find themselves in.
Market research and data insight
Our first report, explores consumer behaviours that underpin the use hard cash, digital payments and the rise of cryptocurrency. Use this report to help inform your decision-making when it comes to solving the abandoned shopping cart dilemma.
If you missed Lost in Transaction: Volume I, you can download it here.
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