Contact us

To help us direct your question to the best team to provide an answer please select which option best describes you.

  • I would like to speak to someone about setting up a new account
  • I'm an existing customer and need help with my account
  • I’m looking to integrate payments to my software platform or application

eCommerce POC2 FAQ


In EComm POC2, we are introducing the Virtual Terminal and Digital Invoicing.

A payment platform that provides a single integration across multiple payment types, and leverages a common set of onboarding, downstream integrations, risk monitoring, reporting, and back-office capabilities.

A digital device that captures card information without having the card present. Merchants can input all the information they require from the client on the webpage.

Digital Invoicing allows merchants to generate invoices and send via email or SMS to the client. The functionality includes the ability to track the payments.

Using the credentials provided in your Welcome email, you can log into the business portal here.

On the Business Portal login page, click the “RESET PASSWORD” button and enter your email address. Once you have input your username, you will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password.

The hosted checkout (HC) solution is available. If you wish to integrate to our HC, you can go to the Developer Centre, where you can familiarize yourself with the process. You should then contact customer support (here) to apply for the hosted checkout solution.

  • Email, Invoice, Receipts
  • Hosted Checkout (if selected)
  • The merchant’s page in the Portal

Click on the “Transaction ID” in Transaction or activity report to see all available invoices.

The contact is merchant services and it is available in the merchant information section against each account.




It is every day of the week, Mon through Fri, 2 business days in arrears.

For POC2, all Merchant queries will be handled by our operations team based in Montreal (details below).




Contact Us

Merchant Services: 888-709-8753