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Resource Center
Take your knowledge to the next level with our library of resources covering the latest payment industry trends and opportunities.
How operators can protect players with biometrics in iGaming
Biometrics in iGaming can help operators evolve security measures to protect players as the threat landscape shifts.
The bright future of biometric authentication in payments
Biometric authentication in payments is changing. Here’s what this means for consumers and businesses.
Hat die Sicherheit den Krieg gegen die Bequemlichkeit bei Online-Zahlungen gewonnen?
Die Sicherheit ihrer Zahlungsdaten hat für die Kunden beim Online-Einkauf oberste Priorität. Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass sie bereit sind, endlose Hürden zu überwinden oder schlechte Nutzererfahrungen als unvermeidlichen Preis für mehr Sicherheit zu akzeptieren.
Can banks still win customers' loyalty post COVID-19?
Emerging technology will play a critical role in replacing the customised experience banks and financial services have traditionally relied on to retain customers.
The growth of biometric authentication under SCA
Why fingerprint, facial, and voice recognition technology will improve conversion rates at the online checkout.
Growing consumer trust in biometric authentication
Biometric technology has become increasingly prevalent in daily life, but there is still some way to go before it is universally accepted as the predominant method to authenticate online payments.
[INFOGRAPHIC] Lost in Transaction: The end of risk?
Are consumers ready to replace passwords with biometric authentication? And are voice-activated payments the future of eCommerce? Here are the key takeaways from our latest consumer research report.
Key takeaways from Lost in Transaction: The end of risk?
Our latest research report examines consumer appetite for biometrics to replace passwords in CNP payment authentication, and how voice-activated payments will have an impact on eCommerce
Are vehicles the next payment platforms?
Developments of the Internet of Things and voice activated technology mean that consumers will soon be able to make online purchases through their car without taking their hands off the wheel.