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Resource Center
Take your knowledge to the next level with our library of resources covering the latest payment industry trends and opportunities.
How are consumers spending on subscription services?
With consumers changing the way they spend their disposable income, what does this mean for subscription services?
What disposable income changes mean for charitable giving
Discretionary spending is changing – here’s what this means for charitable giving, and for consumers saving for the future.
Small business payments: what consumers expect
Changing consumer expectations are impacting small businesses. Here’s how they can tailor the payment experience to meet customer needs.
Holiday shopping: Payments can help merchants meet consumer needs
Here’s how consumers may adapt spending on holiday shopping, and how merchants can still thrive this festive season and in the year ahead.
3 key findings from Lost in Transaction 2023: The Disposable Income Report
Find out how discretionary spending is changing with these key takeaways from our latest research: Lost in Transaction 2023: The Disposable Income Report.
Online merchants can thrive on Black Friday with optimized payments
With Black Friday and the festive season approaching, here’s how online merchants can enhance their checkout experience and meet customer needs.
iGaming: Winning players trust through payment security
Offering a wide range of secure and convenient payment methods can help iGaming operators enhance the wagering experience, boost trust and improve retention
eCommerce-Händler können mit optimierten saisonalen Angeboten und Zahlungen florieren
Das Verbraucherverhalten ändert sich. Hier erfahren Sie, wie eCommerce-Händler saisonale Angebote optimieren können, um erfolgreich zu sein.
Zahlungen in VR, AR und dem Metaverse: Verbraucher sind bereit für neue Erfahrungen
Wir werfen einen Blick auf den aktuellen Stand des Zahlungsverkehrs in VR und AR, die Zukunft des Kaufs im Metaverse und wie Unternehmen ihren Kunden helfen können, den Wandel anzunehmen.