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New Year’s Resolution for the fitness industry: Getting your payments process into shape
This month we saw the annual tradition of creating New Year’s resolutions. According to a YouGov poll, 50% of adults say exercising was their top resolution. It’s no secret that after the festive season’s overindulgence, many people look to get back in shape – whether by signing up at a gym, joining a yoga or pilates studio or practicing self-care at a spa or wellness center.
Der eCash-Vorteil: Warum es höchste Zeit ist, dass Händler Bargeld an der Online-Kasse akzeptieren
Die Nachfrage der Verbraucher nach Barzahlungen im Internet nimmt zu. Händler, die sie an der Online-Kasse akzeptieren, können sich einen erheblichen Wettbewerbsvorteil verschaffen.
Hat die Sicherheit den Krieg gegen die Bequemlichkeit bei Online-Zahlungen gewonnen?
Die Sicherheit ihrer Zahlungsdaten hat für die Kunden beim Online-Einkauf oberste Priorität. Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass sie bereit sind, endlose Hürden zu überwinden oder schlechte Nutzererfahrungen als unvermeidlichen Preis für mehr Sicherheit zu akzeptieren.
Why online businesses don’t trust their checkouts
SMBs don’t believe that their payments are secure, according to our latest research.
The evolution of payments technology
Five trends we expect to have a significant impact on payments in 2021.
Why security is still the primary concern for online businesses and consumers
Our latest Lost in Transaction research report asked businesses about how they had been affected by COVID-19, and their plans moving forward. The security of their checkouts, and alternative payment methods, are top of their agendas.
Eliminating chargebacks in travel with cash
Robert Albrecht, Head of New Business, PaysafeCash, explains how online cash payment solutions helps travel companies combat credit card fraud, whilst also reaching out to new target customers.
Key takeaways from Lost in Transaction: The end of risk?
Our latest research report examines consumer appetite for biometrics to replace passwords in CNP payment authentication, and how voice-activated payments will have an impact on eCommerce
Facing up to fraud at the pump
US gas stations are a clear target for criminals, in part because their at-pump infrastructure is often no longer fit for purpose. So what should petroleum retailers be doing about it?