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Resource Center
Take your knowledge to the next level with our library of resources covering the latest payment industry trends and opportunities.
How US small businesses can stay ADA and PCI compliant
Key points for small businesses to consider as crucial updates arrive regarding ADA and PCI compliance.
Supporting independent gas stations and C-stores with payments technology and industry associations
How Paysafe's specialized petro payments provider is deepening collaboration with North Dakota and Utah-based trade associations to strengthen member engagement and industry support.
EMV and the petroleum industry's road to compliance following the liability shift
Assessing the impact of the EMV deadline for gas stations
It’s been five months since liability for at-pump fraud for non-EMV compliant payments shifted to gas stations. But we have already seen several ways this is going to change the sector now and in the future.
Extending the EMV deadline: Compliance remains a priority
The COVID-19 pandemic led to card schemes announcing that the date for the EMV liability shift will be put back to April 2021, but this does not mean gas stations should stop thinking about compliance
EMV at the pump: Your questions answered
In October gas stations will be under new obligations for accepting card payments at the pump. In this article we answer your frequently asked questions about how the change will affect the industry.
Can gas stations afford to miss the EMV at-pump deadline?
Gas stations are struggling to justify the costs of installing chip card readers. But instead of asking “can I afford to be EMV compliant?” gas station owners should be asking “can I afford not to?”