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Withdrawals to crypto start here, with Paysafe

Enable your users to seamlessly withdraw their funds as crypto, sending it directly to a crypto wallet of their choice.

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Person holding smartphone with finance app, balance shown, coffee nearby

Paysafe is on a mission to help you connect with this $1 trillion payment market

How does it work

  1. When a customer chooses to withdraw from their account with a supported merchant, they’ll need to select Skrill Crypto as the option to withdraw to a cryptocurrency wallet. 
  2. The customer then enters their crypto wallet address and the fiat amount to withdraw. 
  3. Paysafe then requests exchange of the amount of fiat to the equivalent amount of supported cryptocurrency from an exchange provider, and then the payout is confirmed. 
  4. The liquidity provider completes the exchange from fiat to crypto, transferring the supported cryptocurrency directly to the customer’s cryptocurrency wallet.

It’s that simple.

Ready to unlock the $1 trillion crypto payments market?

Our team of crypto experts is just one mouse-click away.

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