Why Paysafe supports Small Business Saturday®
Paysafe joins the Corporate Supporter Program for American Express’ 10th annual Small Business Saturday®
Global payments provider Paysafe Group (Paysafe) today announced that it has joined the Small Business Saturday Corporate Supporter Program and that it will, together with American Express, support this year’s Small Business Saturday® celebration, which takes place November 30th. Small Business Saturday is a day dedicated to supporting the independent businesses that make our communities unique and provide invaluable contributions to our economy.
Paysafe and its family of brands have long been supporters of American Express’ Shop Small and Small Business Saturday initiatives. Small businesses are at the core of Paysafe’s strategy and, as the holiday season approaches, it’s important for everyone to celebrate main street retailers. As a Corporate Supporter, Paysafe is helping American Express promote Small Business Saturday to create awareness around the importance of shopping ‘small’ and supporting local businesses.
Created by American Express in 2010, Small Business Saturday serves as the ceremonial kickoff to the holiday shopping season for small businesses across the United States. In 2018, U.S. shoppers reported spending an estimated $17.8 billion at independent retailers and restaurants on the day, according to the 2018 Small Business Saturday Consumer Insights Survey.[1] In addition, the Small Business Economic Impact Study[2] from American Express found that an average two-thirds of every dollar ($0.67) spent at small businesses in the U.S. stays in the local community, meaning a consumer’s local impact during the holiday shopping season can be significant.
Small Business Saturday celebrates the diversity of small businesses across the U.S. and Paysafe recognizes the importance of supporting small businesses, the jobs they help create, and the culture they foster in local communities. The Small Business Economic Impact Study also found that in addition to small businesses directly employing members of the community, spending by those small businesses and their employees in the area also supports local jobs – in fact, for every ten jobs at a small business, another seven are supported in the local community.
About Small Business Saturday
November 30th is the tenth annual Small Business Saturday, proudly backed by American Express. Dedicated to supporting the diverse range of local businesses that create jobs, boost the economy, and enhance neighborhoods around the country, Small Business Saturday was created by American Express in 2010 in response to small business owners’ most pressing need: getting more customers. Learn more at and connect with us on
ShopSmall.com, instagram.com/shopsmall, facebook.com/SmallBusinessSaturday
[1] This spend statistic is an aggregate of the average spend as reported by consumers in surveys commissioned by
American Express reporting spend habits on Small Business Saturday of consumers who were aware of the day. It does not reflect actual receipts or sales. Each such survey was conducted among a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults. The surveys had an overall margin of error of between +/- 2.0% and +/- 5.47%, at the 95% level of confidence. The data was projected from the samples based on then-current U.S. Census estimates of the U.S. adult population (18+).
[2]The 2018 Small Business Economic Impact Study was conducted by Econsult Solutions, Inc. (ESI) on behalf of American Express. ESI calculated the share of national Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment and employee compensation that small businesses with under 100 employees provide to the economy based on an analysis used by the U.S. Small Business Administration. ESI also estimated how much of each dollar spent at the average small business remains in their local community, and used input-output analysis across 100 representative U.S. counties to calculate the additional impact that is generated locally as the result of the spending of employees and the spending of the small business with local suppliers and service providers.