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Resource Center
Take your knowledge to the next level with our library of resources covering the latest payment industry trends and opportunities.
Where next for digital wallets?
Daniel Kornitzer, looks at digital wallets and how cash is an evolving element in digital payments in the April issue of Payments and Cards Magazine.
Payment priorities for the sharing economy
Recent research by PwC suggests that the value of the global sharing economy will grow from $15 billion in 2013 to $335 billion in 2025.
How Paysafe brought relief to the Canadian Red Cross
Touching on Apple Pay now the dust has settled
Apple Pay was dubbed “the future of payments” by its supporters when it launched in 2015, and was positioned to transform our iPhones into contactless bank cards.
The cost, credibility loss, and countermeasures for fraud
As the world has moved online and business transactions of all types are now increasingly electronic, fraudsters have been quick to exploit new opportunities for crime.
A call on Theresa May to safeguard Fintech passporting
Financial and card scheme passporting must be an early priority of the Brexit negotiations
Embracing disruption in digital payments
The possibilities of digitisation have only just begun to be realised
Fraud, friction, risk & reward: Fighting online fraud
The conundrum of risk management boils down to the seemingly conflicting goals of consumer convenience and protection against fraud.
How the right processor can protect from online fraud
Card Not Present (CNP) fraud is a threat to any business that depends on online transactions.