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Resource Center
Take your knowledge to the next level with our library of resources covering the latest payment industry trends and opportunities.
How to grow your subscription box business effectively
Everything you need to know about successfully scaling a subscription model
Three reasons you must diversify your checkout now
Card payments remain popular online, but the payments landscape is changing. Here are three reasons online businesses should seriously consider adding more payment methods to their checkouts.
Are vehicles the next payment platforms?
Developments of the Internet of Things and voice activated technology mean that consumers will soon be able to make online purchases through their car without taking their hands off the wheel.
Can a merchant’s fraud rate ever fall to 0%?
For every online business, minimising the amount of fraud it suffers is a priority. But is it possible for online businesses to be completely fraud-proof, and if so how can this be achieved?
Lost in Transaction: Payment Trends 2018
What do consumers really think about new payment methods and evolving technology such as mobile wallets, biometrics, and frictionless payments?
Benefits of a collaborative relationship with your PSP
What CFOs and FDs can do to get the best out of their relationship with their payment service provider
eMerchants must consider accepting multiple currencies
Businesses will have to consider implementing payments solutions which prioritise international considerations, as opposed to only servicing local consumers.
What does the future of payments look like for SMBs?
For SMBs, navigating the payments landscape can feel unduly treacherous. maintaining a balance between competing with larger businesses on consumer experience and having a financially feasible product
Why online merchants must accept card and cash payments
Discover more about Paysafe’s new product PaysafeCash, and how merchants can benefit from integrating PaysafeCash with Paysafe’s payment processing functions