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How the Paysafe team gives back to the community

It’s community month at Paysafe, so we caught up with Janina Pichler, Senior Customer Operations Analyst, to learn about her role, and how she and Paysafe give back through important initiatives.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, and a typical day in your role?

I’ve been with Paysafe for 11 years, starting in Customer Care and working over the last 10 years in Customer Operations, which requires good product knowledge, awareness of customer pain points, skills to discover issues, and creativity in finding solutions.

During this time, I was involved in many projects for product and function implementations and changes, including myPaysafe, epin, and PaysafeCash.

In a typical day, I clarify open questions, share new ideas and findings with various departments to discover useful solutions for customers, and help to tackle any support issues. I also support colleagues with knowledge and ideas and offer constructive feedback during sprint reviews.

Can you share any experiences of how you get involved in supporting community initiatives?

At Paysafe, we take part in a number of community initiatives. These include baking for the Ronald McDonald house charity (something we’ve done several times), taking part in the WingsforLife run, and assembling furniture for Ukrainian refugees for the charity house Lina. We also donate blood at Red Cross, bring homemade sweet no-bake balls for dumpling day, and help with trash clean-ups in Wienerberg park.

Personally, I also contribute to different initiatives. I donate non-perishable food to organisations like the Lion’s Club, and make financial donations or buy food for “Die Gruft”, a shelter where homeless people can get something to eat and spend the night. This is part of a church charity run by the Caritas, and I regularly buy goods from their online shop -- I recommend the chocolate! I also collect tall canning jars and donate non-perishable food for the charity's Canisibus, a bus that circulates through Vienna to provide soup and bread to people in need. Everyone can collect jars, as these usually land in the dust bin.

During the pandemic I attended the chat network Plaudernetz, which aims to give people who are alone someone to talk to, and continue to donate clothes and items to charity organisations.

My favourite part is the feeling that I have helped someone, and the fun during the activity. 

Why do you think it’s important that Paysafe supports its local community?

There are a lot of issues in the world -- it doesn’t matter if their local or international. So, instead of complaining or feeling helpless about the big ones, where you can’t change anything, start smaller. Our amazing Paysafe team provides ideas and opportunities to start with the first steps easily. If everyone would take at least small steps to help others, things can only become better.

Finally, employees who get opportunities to support the local community, and recipients in need, really benefit from this engagement.

To learn more about working at Paysafe, visit the Paysafe Careers page.