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Common Mistakes New Small Business Owners Make (And How to Avoid Them)

So you've got a great business idea and you're ready to take the plunge into entrepreneurship. Congrats! But before you get too ahead of yourself, there are a few things... (Continue Reading)

So you've got a great business idea and you're ready to take the plunge into entrepreneurship. Congrats! But before you get too ahead of yourself, there are a few things you should know. Starting a small business is not for the faint of heart—it takes hard work, dedication, and a whole lot of soul-searching. And even if you're prepared for all that, there are still many ways to screw it up. And quite often, brand-new entrepreneurs don’t understand the importance of avoiding some common mistakes when getting their business off the ground properly.

For starters, creating a proper business plan that includes making realistic financial projections is key if you hope to succeed (sorry optimists: aspirations aren't enough). This should be something more than just a page-long listing of your dream business goals; it should also include details like how much money you'll need in cash reserves, what customers want from you, and what kind of employees you'll need. Another mistake commonly made by green entrepreneurs is not giving enough thought to their products or services. You can have the sunniest business plan ever written but if your products don't appeal to people or exceed the competition, it might not matter. Finally, inexperienced business owners may not properly manage their personnel or finances, leading to disorganization which is the enemy of any successful venture. What is the best way to avoid these pitfalls? Planning ahead for them (of course!). By taking stock of potential snags before they become roadblocks on the way to success, entrepreneurs can confidently make informed decisions that keep their companies running efficiently—and help them reach new heights!

When starting something from scratch, the possibilities are endless – but so are the pitfalls! Here are some of the most common mistakes new small business owners make (and how to avoid them).

  • Not researching the market.

    Before you launch your business, you need to do your due diligence and research the market thoroughly: not only understanding the needs of customers in their particular industry but also staying abreast of new competitors, changes in regulation, and opportunities for growth. There's no point in investing time and money into a venture that won't be successful because there's already too much competition.

    To avoid this mistake, you must be proactive in researching your chosen market. Make sure to familiarize yourself with customer feedback, competitor strategies, industry trends, current market conditions, and how they may affect your business, as well as its future prospects. By doing so you will avoid costly mistakes and stay one step ahead of the competition! After all, knowledge is power.

  • Not defining your target market.

    One of the first things you need to do when starting your own business is to figure out who your target market is. This seems like it should be obvious, but you would be surprised how many people try to start a business without any clear idea of who they're trying to sell to. Not only will this make it harder to market your product or service effectively, but it will also make it harder to determine what your ideal customer looks like. As a result, valuable marketing budget might be wasted on advertising campaigns that yield little or no return. This paradigm can quickly create a downward spiral for an emerging business if not corrected swiftly.

    Fortunately, avoiding this mistake is relatively easy - all you need to do is sit down and conduct an honest evaluation of what potential customers would find attractive about your product or service. Involve friends and mentors in the conversation! With that information in hand, you can better identify segments of the population you should be targeting and craft thoughtful messaging that equally resonates with them and accurately portrays your brand values.

  • Failing to plan ahead & not having a clear business plan or strategy.

    One of the most common mistakes new business owners make is failing to plan ahead. They jump into their new venture without any clear idea of where they want their business to go or what they want it to achieve. As a result, they often find themselves floundering about, trying to figure out what to do next. If you want your small business to be successful, you need to have a clear vision for where you want it to go—and then create a detailed plan for how you're going to get there. Otherwise, you'll just be spinning your wheels without ever going anywhere. Without a clear roadmap for where you want your business to head, it's easy to get bogged down in day-to-day operations or stuck chasing after competitors instead of blazing your own trail.

    A well-thought-out business plan is essential for any new venture, as it will serve as your guide in making key decisions throughout your journey. Your plan should include a mission statement, a financial forecast, and an actionable strategy to achieve your goals. It should also keep you focused on the long-term vision for your business. One key step is to define your company values, mission, and long-term goals upfront as these will help guide decision-making and growth plans. From there, you should break the journey into milestones and devise strategies for how to reach them. Regularly reviewing progress will also allow you to adapt the plan and take advantage of unforeseen opportunities or threats along the way. Ultimately, with a clear business plan and strategy in place, you can focus on what matters most—building an amazing business!

  • Ignoring legal considerations.

    No matter how small your business, it's important to ensure that you understand and abide by the legal rules and regulations that apply to it. It’s easy to overlook some of the basic components - like copyrighting or trademarking your company name - but these are essential steps in establishing credibility and protecting your intellectual property. Another important consideration is liability insurance, which will help protect your business and its assets in the case of any legal action taken against it. Furthermore, be aware of contracts and obligations that you may have to fulfill; stay current on any agreements that you've entered into, and make sure to keep them up-to-date with any changing regulations or laws. Lastly, make sure to keep adequate records of all your business transactions and activity in order to stay compliant with the law. Following these few simple steps will help your small business remain legally sound - so take a deep breath, relax, and know that you've done your due diligence!

  • Underestimating startup costs.

    While we all wouldn't mind laughing our way to the bank, few of us have resources overflowing that allow us to spend lavishly on every task or tool. With that in mind, one of the biggest mistakes small businesses can make when starting out is underestimating startup costs. When it comes to predicting expenses, always overestimate. Also, remember that those who invest are far more likely to succeed than those who try to pinch pennies everywhere. Taking a "you get what you pay for" approach will serve your enterprise well in the long run. That isn't license to splurge freely, but it does mean that investing in quality products and services as opposed to skimping on them will ultimately benefit your bottom line. Avoid costly mistakes by erring on the side of conservatism with startup costs estimates — because being pleasantly surprised financially almost never turns out badly!

    Startup costs can be hard to predict—they often end up being more than you anticipate. To avoid this pitfall, draw up a budget that's realistic and covers everything from equipment and materials to salary costs and marketing. You should also factor in an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses along the way.

  • Not finding the right team.

    For any small business to function efficiently, it's important to effectively manage human resources. This means investing in the right people for the job and setting clear expectations of their roles within the organization. Additionally, you'll want to cultivate a positive work environment and provide appropriate training for your staff; studies have shown that employees who are offered opportunities for professional development are more likely to stay with the company and increase their engagement. It's also important to practice open communication by proactively addressing employee questions or issues; this helps to cultivate trust within the workplace and keeps employees feeling secure in their positions. Finally, be sure to stay up to date on all federal, state, and local labor laws as these can drastically affect how you manage your human resources.

  • Overlooking small business tools.

    Making mistakes as an entrepreneur is understandable. After all, the possibilities and potential hurdles are myriad. However, there's one common mistake that many small businesses make which can be easily avoided: not taking advantage of all the small business tools available to them. Running a business based only on legwork and word-of-mouth can be cost-effective and satisfying, but in today's digital world, there are so many ways to optimize operations. For example, eCommerce platforms for online shopping or social media schedulers for post automation can increase efficiency and allow you to stay competitive with larger companies. Furthermore, customer relationship management (CRM) software helps organize customer contacts and transactions which could result in improved marketing capabilities or customer loyalty programs, if used properly.

    If small business owners take the time to look into options such as these, they might find themselves pining less over operational issues and more over how they'll spend their extra time! Avoiding this common blunder can help any business thrive in the modern age. By being open to new ideas and making full use of every small business tool that comes their way - including existing ones - small businesses will be well positioned to maximize profits while enjoying newfound freedom at the same time.

  • Shipping.

    Shipping is an essential part of running a small business, but it's also one of the most error-prone. Whether you're using a third-party shipping provider or handling it in-house, if you don't stay on top of your game, mistakes can quickly pile up. From double-booking shipments to sending out packages without updating tracking info, these oversights can mean unhappy customers and lost revenue.

    Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to avoid these common mistakes—ensuring your package distribution remains smooth and efficient. Policies such as double-checking orders for accuracy, labeling all packages correctly, and confirming tracking details before shipping, can help ensure that every package leaves well-informed and arrives on time. With adequate attention from both yourself and your staff, small business shipping will be one task you can always confidently cross off your list! Remember these small business tips and avoid the common shipping mistakes that can cost your business time, money, and customers.

  • Marketing.

    Small business owners have a lot on their plate, wrestling with the daily stresses of keeping their business afloat and trying to do it all -sometimes without an administrative assistant! With so much going on, small business marketing mistakes are par for the course. Thankfully, a few common errors crop up more frequently than others which makes them easier to spot and fix. For example, some businesses don’t take the time to develop platforms that help easily spread their message or invest in email campaigns or other advertising strategies. Additionally, many forget the importance of setting short-term and long-term goals and tend to produce content that is too generic or contrived instead of aimed at a specific audience.

    Fortunately, avoiding these pitfalls is relatively straightforward: strategize about how you want your product/services to be seen in the marketplace, use valuable resources like reviews and customer endorsements to boost visibility, focus on specificity when producing content, and prioritize metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) in order to measure results as you go—and before you know it—your company will appear on everyone's lips! And remember…it pays off to do it right, so use small business marketing tools that can help you succeed. So get out there, hang those ‘open’ flags and make your mark today!

  • Bookkeeping.

    When it comes to running a business, bookkeeping is often one of those tasks that entrepreneurs like to procrastinate. Whether you're gearing up for tax season or just getting the books in order, the best way to remain organized is to stay ahead of the curve and avoid common mistakes. Over-simplification is one of the most common missteps when it comes to keeping records; if you assume that every business expense will have only one category and end up classifying them all incorrectly, you'll find yourself in a world of hurt come tax time. Additionally, be mindful when merging personal and professional finances; try to keep these two worlds as separate as possible for accuracy and efficiency. What's more, ensure accuracy by staying on top of four key categories - income, expenses, assets, and liabilities - from day one. Small business bookkeeping doesn't have to be complex or overwhelming; with a little persistence and some humor mixed in for good measure, you can keep your finances on steady ground without mistakes holding you back! 

  • Payment Solutions.

    Low cost and low risk—for many small businesses, those two words are more than a dream. The truth is that finding the perfect payment solution for any business type can be tricky. Take it from us: you don’t want to be caught making a mistake with your payment solutions. After all, these solutions are meant to enable easy transactions regardless of who your customers are and where they are located.

    An easy solution lies with Paysafe. They offer a wide range of payment options, available in all kinds of currencies so that you don’t need to worry about making a costly conversion mistake. So keep calm and trust in Paysafe—they make life easier with fewer payment solutions mistakes! On top of that, their  24/7 customer service is there to help guide you through the process if anything does go wrong. Now that’s peace of mind at its finest.

  • Overconfidence

    Finally, the last common small business mistake is overconfidence. It isn’t uncommon for small businesses to believe that they can take on the world and succeed without making any mistakes. While this may be an admirable attitude, it doesn’t necessarily equate to success. It's important to have confidence in yourself and your abilities when starting your own business. However, there's a fine line between confidence and overconfidence. Don't let your ego get in the way of making sound decisions for your business. If you're constantly second-guessing yourself, that's one thing—but if you're alienating potential customers and partners with an inflated sense of self-importance, that's quite another. Be confident, but not cocky, and you'll be just fine.


Starting your own business is an exciting and rewarding journey, but it's not without its risks. Having a great idea is just the first step – you still have to do the research, create a plan of action, and get the finances in order. You'll also need to come up with a strategy for managing yourself (and your team if you have one). All of these things require hard work – it goes without saying that entrepreneurship isn’t for slackers – but fumbling through them could be even worse than doing nothing at all. In addition to dotting all the I's and crossing all the T's, don't hesitate to turn to resources like mentors or trusted advisors for guidance too. Doing so can help ensure that you don't waste time and money making rookie mistakes, giving you the best shot possible at earning success – and seeing those dreams become reality! With enough diligence and plenty of forethought, you can get your small business off on the right foot – avoiding headaches down the line.  After all, when you’re starting your own venture who has time for that?

Finally, don’t forget some of the more intangible aspects of starting a small business. Keeping a positive outlook and staying motivated are essential for success in any venture, so don’t be afraid to celebrate your wins along the way. Achieving big goals can be a long process, but those incremental successes should be savored as well. Surround yourself with individuals who share similar dreams and ambitions, it will not only provide a support system but also an environment to bounce ideas off one another. With these few tips, you’ll be well-equipped to launch your own business and take on the world!  Best of luck in your entrepreneurial endeavors.

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