Welcome to the Paysafe Small Business Program
Where saving you money is the easiest part of our job.

The LEADER in payment processing
- A simpler, smarter way to process payments
- Live reps available NOW to take your phone call
- Accounts tailored to your specific needs
- We're committed to the success of your business
- Top of the line merchant processing solutions
Over 200,000 merchants have trusted Paysafe
with their processing needs.
The perks of processing with Paysafe:
- We offer super-competitive processing rates, PCI protection and next-day funding.
- You'll always have access to dedicated customer service & technical support.
- We've integrated with the full Clover™ suite and more to make running your business seamless.
- Leverage transaction & business insights through our iAccess business portal to lower costs and improve service.
- Power your business forward with integrated solutions available for employee, inventory, & tax management.

"Great experience setting up our new e-comm shop. As new entrepreneurs, we were not experienced with this process. Our rep went out of his way to help us set up our account in a short timeframe. I would highly recommend working with Paysafe!"