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Encytro logo
Advantage Program

Encytro logo
Advantage Program

Paysafe is offering more ways to protect your business with the Encytro Advantage Program.


Let's Get Started

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What is the Encytro Advantage Program?

The Encytro Advantage Program allows enrolled merchants to submit claims for reimbursement for chargebacks (up to $250 per chargeback) and related fees and certain data breaches. Instead of paying fees for every chargeback, you’ll pay a flat $29.95 per location, per month and then be able to submit claims to Encytro to receive reimbursement for covered chargebacks and costs, including:

  • Certain fradulent chargebacks
  • Fallback transactions
  • EMV liability shift
  • Chargeback fees
  • Fraudulent ATM withdrawals

How does it work?

We offer everything from simple desktop software to fully integrated, all-in-one point of sale (POS) systems that allow you to accept cash and credit cards on the spot.

Log into the Encytro Merchant Dashboard to process any claims:

  • Choose the appropriate type of claim being submitted (“Breach Claim” or “Chargeback Claim”) and follow the prompts of required information.
  • In the event of a “Breach Claim”, you will be contacted by Encytro to process the claim.
  • In the event of a “Chargeback Claim”, you will be notified of the status of your claim by Encytro.
  • Payments for “Chargeback Claims” are sent out by Encytro and should arrive to the merchant address on file within 45 to 60 days from the date of the claim.