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Resource Center
Take your knowledge to the next level with our library of resources covering the latest payment industry trends and opportunities.
Removing friction and fraud from online payments
paysafcard’s CEO Udo Mueller spoke to Totally Gaming about removing friction and fraud from online payments in the gaming industry.
Cashless gaming: a new era for how we pay to play
Paysafe’s Neil Erlick spoke to Totally Gaming about the changing payments landscape in the gaming industry.
Keeping step: fraud evolution
As soon as a new payments or currency-based instrument evolves, so too does a form of fraud to exploit it.
PSD2 – a challenge or an opportunity?
PSD2 is an evolution and extension of existing regulation for the payments industry.
Rapid Transfer in the context of open banking
Rapid Transfer and other services specialising in bank transfers are particularly successful in cash-centred markets and will be even more popular following PSD2
The year ahead
What does 2018 have in store for the payments world?
The L word
It’s fair to say that there’s some uncertainty afoot across the European financial landscape as we enter the new year.
Card payment fees: Brussels ban could put up prices
Under new rules issued by the European Commission, retailers will be banned from using surcharges to pass the cost of card payment processing on to customers.
GDPR is coming
It’s not the easiest piece of legislation to fully comprehend, but the crux of the GDPR is that it significantly increases accountability for any organisation handling personal data.