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Celebrating Families Month at Paysafe

At Paysafe, Families Month is about working together to support families of all types. To learn more, we spoke to colleagues in our Families@Paysafe network.

In July, we celebrated Paysafe’s Families Month to raise awareness of the importance of creating a supportive work environment for colleagues of all family structures. We also held discussions about the challenges people may face within the context of family. 

Here’s what four colleagues in our employee-led Families@Paysafe network had to say on the role of Families Month and the importance of an inclusive work environment.  

Richard Cohen, Principal Product Manager

What does Families Month mean to you?

Families Month is a great reminder that all of us have loved ones outside of work, whether those loved ones consist of a partner, children, parents, siblings, pets or anyone who you care about deeply. Make sure you are present at work and at home.

Your work and family responsibilities each have their challenges, and having a support network in both areas is critical to being able to handle each successfully.

How can companies, managers, and colleagues better support team members with family responsibilities?

Flexible work schedules help employees to manage their responsibilities outside of work.  

Managers should encourage communication regarding their employees’ non-work commitments. This will create a supportive environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their family responsibilities and will promote a healthy culture where employees do not feel overloaded.

Jessica Donohoe, Product Manager 

How has the Families network positively impacted you?

One reason why I love Families Month and our Families@Paysafe network is that you do not need to be a parent to join!

I personally have no children but every single one of us has a family regardless of if you’re related by blood; this can include you and your partner, your very close friends and even your colleagues that help you through the day when the going gets tough.

In what ways can we all better support team members with family responsibilities? 

I think getting to know your teams’ family dynamic and building relationships on a personal level can help managers understand how to ensure someone feels supported. I feel like this is something that my manager does very well!

Martin Seener, Director of Infrastructure Engineering, Barcode

Why did you decide to join the Families@Paysafe network? 

I joined the Families network not only because I have a family but because I know how important a family is and how much motivation, fun and even security a family – even in a broader sense – can bring.

A family is not necessarily just two parents and one or more children. It’s anything you define as a family and can be you and your friends, you and your partner or whatever else. The important thing is that you respect and love each other and share your life and experiences with each other.

How can companies, managers, and colleagues better support team members with family responsibilities? 

The most important thing that we can do to support team members with family responsibilities is truly showing empathy and understanding for the situation. Furthermore, trying to help a colleague (if they want help) is something every team member will appreciate.

Beyond that, fostering company-wide awareness of these topics is very helpful and highlights their importance both internally and to the outside world, e.g. for potential new colleagues. Also, providing options for flexible working hours and a home office is extremely useful, especially for those with young children.

Bettina Kössl, Administrative Assistant

Can you share an example of a Families@Paysafe network event?

Our objective for the Families@Paysafe Vienna team is to organize at least one Families activity every quarter. During Families Month, we planned a summer excursion to Hirschstetten – a large park in Vienna with a playground, a little zoo and beautiful flower beds.

We will soon start planning further exciting activities in the workplace in autumn/winter.

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