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  • I would like to speak to someone about setting up a new account
  • I'm an existing customer and need help with my account
  • I’m looking to integrate payments to my software platform or application
PaysafeCash for Business

Helpful material

Looking for PaysafeCash product descriptions or logos? Download them here.

Product Information

Please find and download more information about PaysafeCash here:
Product Onepager Sheet

Technical documentation

You can find a detailed description of the REST interface for PaysafeCash here:
REST API instructions
Merchant Reporting Tool Guidelines
Postman library
Ready API library
Sample codes – PHP
Technical Integration Video

PaysafeCash product description for your end customers

You can find the PaysafeCash Integration Guidelines here.

You can find the short descriptive texts for the various types of PaysafeCash payments, which you can use for your customer (different languages available) here.

You can download the PaysafeCash logo here.

Shop Plug-in

If you would like to integrate PaysafeCash via a verified plug-in, you will find here the installation file for the Shop system WooCommerce or PrestaShop.

WooCommerce 3.X
Installation ZIP file

compatible with Prestashop versions: 1.6.X
Installation ZIP file

compatible with Prestashop versions: 1.7.X 
Installation ZIP file