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We need to rethink payments for the travel industry

Download our latest whitepaper to find out more about the impact COVID-19 has had on the travel sector, and why a new approach to payments is part of the solution for returning to growth.

The travel industry has been one of the most negatively impacted by COVID-19. And as we look to recovery and growth beyond the pandemic, travel merchants and their acquirers need to work together in a different way.

Our latest whitepaper Safeguarding the future of travel explains the role a new attitude to payments will play in revolutionizing the industry.

Key topics covered in this whitepaper include:

  • Why the relationship between travel merchants and acquirers needs to be reset, and how COVID-19 has magnified the industry’s issues

  • The benefits of a safeguarding model over holdbacks for both travel merchants and acquirers

  • How safeguarding compares to other forms of acquirer risk management options

  • What travel merchants should do next if they are rethinking their acquirer relationships

To download the report, visit: 

Safeguarding the future of travel: Why it is time to rethink payments and liquidity in the travel industry is available to download now
