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Streamline Recurring Payments with Merchant-Initiated Transaction Processing

Join us as we explore the ins and outs of MITs and demonstrate how to best take advantage of this payment method while maintaining compliance!

Merchant-Initiated Transaction (or “MIT”) processing is one of many payment methods that provide convenience for customers and financial benefits for merchants. As a merchant, it’s important that you understand how you can reduce fraudulent activities and maintain compliance while implementing payment methods that can grow your business.

MITs are automated payments that streamline the process for recurring payments like subscriptions and installment plans. This approach enhances transaction efficiency and can help improve cash flow for merchants, and significantly improves the customer experience. Join us as we explore the ins and outs of MITs and learn how to best take advantage of this payment method and maintain compliance.

What Are Merchant-Initiated Transactions?

Merchant-Initiated Transactions are a specialized payment process where the merchant initiates the transaction after the first payment, rather than the cardholder. This method is particularly useful for recurring payments, such as memberships and periodic billing for utilities or other regular expenses. These automated transactions use pre-stored payment details that customers agree to have on file, allowing businesses to process payments without the cardholder’s active participation each time a payment is due.

MITs can be categorized into several types, including:

Recurring Payments

These are MIT processed on a fixed schedule, like memberships and subscriptions. Recurring payments allow customers to enjoy uninterrupted service while businesses benefit from steady cash flow.


Variable Amount Payments

These kinds of MITs differ based on the customer’s service usage, such as utilities, phone and internet services. These payment types require minimal manual intervention and free up time for other business matters.

Installment Payments

Purchase options like “buy now, pay later” are popular forms of installment payments. This type of MIT processing occurs on a fixed schedule until the customer balance is paid, helping to ensure timely payments for merchants and payment flexibility for customers.


One-Time Payments

These are MITs that are agreed upon at one time and charged for at another time. An example is using the minibar at a hotel; customers sign for charges and incidentals at the time of check in but are not charged until later, reducing administrative tasks for the business.

MIT processing offers a convenient and reliable method for managing automated transactions, enhancing operational efficiency and improving customer satisfaction.

How Merchant-Initiated Transactions Work

The first step to setting up MITs is a Cardholder-Initiated Transaction (also known as a CIT). In this initial transaction, the customer actively participates in the initial payment and agrees to payment terms, allowing the merchant to authorize subsequent transactions. During this initial setup, the customer consents to store their payment credentials and authorizes the merchant to initiate future transactions based on predetermined terms.

The All-Important Initial Transaction ID

An Initial Transaction ID is sent to merchants when a cardholder sets up a recurring payment plan and processes their first payment. This is the ID you need to provide for all subsequent MITs processed according to the payment plan.

It’s important to note that each payment plan will have its own Initial Transaction ID, and multiple IDs can be associated with a single cardholder.

In order to maintain compliance, merchants must provide the Initial Transaction ID with each Merchant Initiated-Transaction via API, as this is strictly mandated by card brands and regulators, as applicable.

By following this process, your business will be upholding stringent security standards while providing a convenient and efficient payment method to your customers. This helps ensure that both merchants and customers can process with confidence and trust.

MITs allow businesses the flexibility to modernize their payment processes and align with the evolving expectations of digital consumers, helping to ensure both operational excellence and customer-centric service delivery.

Paysafe has developed a solution that aims to assist merchants in properly processing subscription-based payment plans with merchant-initiated transactions - the Payment Scheduler API. More on the solution can be found on the official Developer portal.

Already Processing with Paysafe?

Learn more about how to authenticate and include the Initial Transaction ID in your API request.

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Get Started Today

Paysafe offers merchant solutions designed to comply with the latest regulatory requirements and card network rules—giving you a competitive advantage. We provide secure payment processing methods with advanced encryption and tokenization to help safeguard cardholder data, whether your business is online, instore, or on the go.

Our payments experts provide guidance and support to merchants like you looking to navigate the card brand and applicable regulatory landscapes surrounding MITs. Contact us today to learn more and partner with Paysafe!

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