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Payments platforms and the self-storage opportunity

Andrea Dunlop, CEO of Acquiring and Card Solutions, gives her insight to where the opportunity lies for merchants as population trends point toward rapid urbanization over the next five years.

PYMNTS have released their September Payments-as-a-Service (Paas) Tracker, in collaboration with Paysafe.This month’s issue features an interview with Closetbox CEO Marcus Mollmann who describes how the arrival of his twin children inspired him to create the on-demand storage business. 

Andrea Dunlop, CEO of Acquiring and Card Solutions, Paysafe Group, gives her insight to where the opportunity lies for merchants as population trends point toward rapid urbanization over the next five years.

The Payments as a Service Tracker™, a Paysafe collaboration, is designed to give an overview of the trends and activities of merchant platforms that not only enable payment processing of new and old technologies, but also integrate with other features to improve the merchant’s experience, including customer engagement, security, omnichannel retail experience, analytics, inventory management, software and hardware management, and more. Download the Tracker for this month's notable news, insight and top provider profiles from around the PaaS world.