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Fintech für den guten Zweck: Schaffung einer finanziell inklusiven Zukunft
Über die Produktinnovation hinaus arbeiten Fintech-Unternehmen mit gemeinnützigen Organisationen und anderen Institutionen zusammen, um einen positiven sozialen Wandel herbeizuführen und ein transparenteres, zugänglicheres und integrativeres Finanzsystem aufzubauen.
LiT: Is the future of P2P payments digital?
Giving money to friends and family remains critical for many people during COVID-19, but will digital methods replacing cash for these payments become a long-term trend?
Who will win battle for P2P Payments?
The value of mobile person-to-person payments is set to increase 40 per cent globally to $540 billion by the end of 2017.
Sparking a remittance revolution
Tracking a global payment should be as easy for businesses as it is for consumers to monitor the progress of a parcel delivery.
Payment priorities for the sharing economy
Recent research by PwC suggests that the value of the global sharing economy will grow from $15 billion in 2013 to $335 billion in 2025.