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Leitfaden für Händler: Hinzufügen neuer Zahlungsoptionen zur Online-Kasse
Heutzutage werden auf der ganzen Welt, insbesondere bei den jüngeren Generationen, Smartphone-Apps und digitale Geldbörsen verwendet, um mit nur wenigen Fingertipps Einkäufe zu tätigen und Zahlungen zu tätigen. Es gibt mehrere neue Zahlungsoptionen, die bei den Verbrauchern schnell an Beliebtheit gewinnen. Dadurch werden Online-Einkäufe und -Transaktionen sehr bequem.
Why next-generation payments are the key to taking open banking to the next level
Both consumers and merchants have proved they’re eager for change in financial services, but what we’ve seen since PSD2 is just the beginning. We look beyond the opening up of APIs to see what sort of next-generation payments will satisfy demand as innovation in open banking gains pace.
Payments power success: the five pillars of a winning payments platform
Wowing customers isn’t just about providing new novel ways to pay. It’s about having an agile, open platform that takes interactions to different levels. How to achieve this? Read on.
PSD2 – a challenge or an opportunity?
PSD2 is an evolution and extension of existing regulation for the payments industry.
Rapid Transfer in the context of open banking
Rapid Transfer and other services specialising in bank transfers are particularly successful in cash-centred markets and will be even more popular following PSD2
Open banking: the quick guide for merchants
PSD2 encompasses the full payments cycle, so with cross-border payments and an ever-increasing use of digital payments on the rise, getting to grips with it and how it applies to merchants is critical
Why APIs are the foundation for payments success
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are one of the key building blocks in the digital transformation we see today