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Lost in Transaction: Consumer payment trends 2022

Download our latest research report entitled ‘Lost in Transaction: Consumer payment trends 2022 – Navigating online payments in the age of uncertainty’. This report focuses on changing consumer payment preferences and increased demand for control, flexibility and security.

In April 2022, we commissioned a survey of 11,000 consumers in 10 countries across Europe and the Americas to find out how their payment preferences are evolving. In particular, we explored the impact of the rising cost of living, the role of cash, consumers' attitudes towards security and convenience in online payments, the adoption of embedded payments, and how people perceive neobanks.

The findings of this research are published in our latest report: Lost in Transaction: Consumer payment trends 2022 – Navigating online payments in the age of uncertainty

Topics covered in this report include:

  • How the cost-of-living crisis is reshaping online payment habits and which payment methods are growing in popularity as a result.
  • The digital transformation of cash, how consumers pay for in-person purchases and the significance of cash-based solutions for online payments.
  • Consumers’ attitudes towards security and convenience in online payments and their satisfaction with merchants’ approach to security.
  • The untapped growth opportunity of embedded finance and consumers’ lack of familiarity with one of fintech’s hottest trends.
  • How customer-facing technology, fee structures and customer service factor into neobanks’ competition with traditional banks.


Click here to read Lost in Transaction: Consumer payment trends 2022 Navigating online payments in the age of uncertainty.


The survey was conducted among 11,000 consumers (representative by age and gender) in the U.S. (2,000), UK, Canada, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, Peru, Chile, and Brazil (all 1,000). The interviews were conducted online by Sapio Research in April 2022 using an email invitation and an online survey.

The use of any third-party brand names in this report is for illustrative purposes only. Consumer attitudes to the specific brands were not considered or analysed as part of the research this report is based on and this report does not represent Paysafe’s or any other party’s views towards the brands themselves or the services they represent.