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Living up to mobile capability

PYMNTS have released their July Payments-as-a-Service (PaaS) Tracker, in collaboration with Paysafe.

PYMNTS have released their July Payments-as-a-Service (PaaS) Tracker, in collaboration with Paysafe.

In this month's issue, Jean-François Noël, CEO of FANS Entertainment and GOLO, takes time to discuss the challenges that small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in the service industry overcome when increasing their service capability with mobile order-ahead solutions.

Joe Daly, CEO - Payment Processing US, also lends his insight to how SMBs can take an agile approach to the provision of value-add services to the marketplace.

The Payments as a Service Tracker™, a Paysafe collaboration, is designed to give an overview of the trends and activities of merchant platforms that not only enable payment processing of new and old technologies, but also integrate with other features to improve the merchant’s experience, including customer engagement, security, omnichannel retail experience, analytics, inventory management, software and hardware management, and more.

Download the Tracker for this month's notable news, insight and top provider profiles from around the PaaS world.