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Comment la monnaie électronique peut aider les opérateurs de loterie en ligne européens à décrocher
Les consommateurs européens continuent de participer aux loteries en ligne. Comment les opérateurs peuvent-ils s’assurer d’offrir la meilleure expérience possible pour répondre aux attentes des joueurs? Il est essentiel d’offrir une variété d’options de paiement, y compris l’argent liquide en ligne.
Remplacement de la carte : pourquoi les consommateurs accueillent favorablement l’ère du portefeuill
Selon notre récent rapport, les portefeuilles mobiles et numériques gagnent en popularité et en importance pour le consommateur moderne. Nous nous penchons sur l’évolution des comportements à l’origine de ce changement et sur ce que les entreprises peuvent faire pour s’approprier l’avenir des paiements.
Acquisition de joueurs par les opérateurs de paris sportifs en ligne américains et double rôle des p
Zak Cutler, président de Paysafe Global Gaming, affirme que la diversité des paiements, associée à un solide canal de marketing d’affiliation, est essentielle si les opérateurs de paris sportifs en ligne américains veulent convertir et garder les joueurs à bord.
A cashless Christmas? Why access to cash is key to unlocking festive cheer for many
In an increasingly digital payments landscape, there are many good reasons to make sure cash remains part of the mix. And it’s especially at times like Christmas that we see why.
Checkout check-up: Meeting Americans’ diverse payments preferences
U.S. consumers’ in-store and online payment preferences have never been as diverse as they are today. In an article originally published in American retail media outlet Total Retail, our President of Merchant Solutions Afshin Yazdian discusses how U.S. retailers can tailor their in-store and online checkouts to meet customer expectations.
Fintech for good: creating a financially inclusive future
Beyond product innovation, Fintech companies are collaborating with community advocates, non-profits, and other institutions to impart positive social change and build a more transparent, accessible, and inclusive financial system.
The eCash advantage: why it's high time merchants accepted cash at the online checkout
Consumer demand for online cash payments is on the rise. Merchants who accept it at the online checkout stand to gain a significant competitive edge.
Merchant’s guide: adding new payment options to the online checkout
Today, around the world, and particularly among younger generations, smartphone apps and digital wallets are used to make purchases and transfer payments with just a few taps. There are several emerging payment options available that are quickly gaining popularity with consumers. This brings a great level of convenience to online purchases and transactions.
Has security won the war against convenience in online payments?
Keeping their payment details safe is customers' top priority when they shop online. But that doesn't mean they're willing to jump through endless hoops or accept poor user experiences as the inevitable price of greater security.