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How we’re celebrating Pride Month 2021

Today marks the start of Pride Month 2021, a time to celebrate the LBGTQ+ community and continue demanding equality around the world. To understand more about why this is such an important event and how everyone can further support the community, we asked members of our LGBTQ+@Paysafe employee network to tell us what Pride Month means to them and what companies like ours can do to show support for LGBTQ+ employees.

Samuel Riggs

Sam is an EEA marketing manager, based in Ireland.

What does Pride mean to you?

Pride marks a turning point in the world’s collective consciousness to being more accepting and welcoming to LGBTQ+ people. It’s a moment where we get to reflect. It’s also a moment for togetherness, for listening for each other, and for fun too.

What can companies do to show support for LGBTQ+ employees?

I think we need to remember that Pride is just one month out of twelve. It’s great to have the spotlight on the LGBTQ+ community, but 1st July doesn’t mean we can stop talking about what queer people need. Rainbow logos are great, but active and constant allyship is so much better.


Julia Kupper

Julia is a vendor relationships manager, based in the US.

What does Pride mean to you?

Pride can mean a million things depending on who you ask. But to me, Pride means for a short period of time each year I can be surrounded by people ‘like me’ who are proud of who they are, and can express themselves without fear of judgement. It is a time for people in the LGBTQ+ community to celebrate their uniqueness, and an opportunity to be less afraid to express who I am for a little while. 

What can companies do to show support for LGBTQ+ employees?

Continue to bring a voice to our community. Recognise the perspective that the members of our community can provide, and continue to work with Stonewall UK and other organisations to build a safe and accepting place to work for current and future LGBTQ+ employees.


Heather Johnson

Heather is a collections supervisor, based in the US.

What does Pride mean to you?

Pride is a time to express your individuality. It’s the time of the year that we get to celebrate each other, together.

What can companies do to show support for LGBTQ+ employees?

This is the first company I have worked with that has done this much for LGBTQ+ community! Of course there is always work to do globally in the fight for equality, but I think that we’re doing a great job setting an example and being leaders in the fight.


Adam Alvarez

Adam is an account manager, based in the US.

What does Pride mean to you?

For me, Pride has been about reclaiming my dignity and asserting that I and all members of the LGBTQ+ community are worthy of love and respect. It’s about celebrating and honouring the work that has been done by this community that has resulted in meaningful changes in the way society treats and views LGBTQ+ people. And underpinning all of that is community; it’s a reminder to those that feel alone that they belong.

What can companies do to show support for LGBTQ+ employees?

Sometimes very simple things that go overlooked can help create a work environment that feels more inclusive for LGBTQ+ employees. Updates to dress code policies, for example, to eliminate verbiage that calls out gender is one way a company can show their support. But most importantly, I think that creating a culture that allows for discussion around topics that are impactful to LGBTQ+ employees is key.  


Shaun Lavelle

Shaun is the general manager of our Card Not Present business in the USA, and the executive sponsor of the LGBTQ+@Paysafe network.

What does Pride mean to you?

Pride is a deafening declaration that all human beings have the right to be who they are and nobody has the right to dictate to another who they should or should not love. Don’t judge, love.

What can companies do to show support for LGBTQ+ employees?

Shout from the rooftops their D&I policies, not just internally but externally as well. Be PROUD of being inclusive.