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Resource Center
Take your knowledge to the next level with our library of resources covering the latest payment industry trends and opportunities.
The growth of consumer appetite for invoicing in Europe
The “buy now, pay later” concept where consumers have the option to make a purchase immediately but settle the transaction at a later date is increasingly popular according to the latest research
Easy-to-use security is the key to frictionless future
Consumers are increasingly using frictionless payment methods, from contactless to in-app and voice-activated. Before these new ways to pay become the norm, people need to be reassured of the benefits
Lost in Transaction: Payment Trends 2018
What do consumers really think about new payment methods and evolving technology such as mobile wallets, biometrics, and frictionless payments?
[INFOGRAPHIC] LiT: Payment Trends 2018: 10 key takeaways
The most significant statistics from our recent research
Invisible payments: a bumpy road ahead?
Are consumers are confident in new payment technology capabilities, and what can payment service providers do to build trust?
Do UK consumers really want to go cashless?
The question of moving to a cashless economy is one of the dominating debates in payments
Lost in Transaction: Payment Trends 2018
Paysafe’s new Lost in Transaction report, based on 2018 research among consumers in the UK, Canada, the US, Germany, and Austria, examines the latest consumer payment trends
Consumers embrace new ways to pay
The growing popularity for alternative payment methods is transforming the traditional shopping experience and spelling a new era for commerce.
Are merchants ready to fight digital payments fraud?
Customers are more aware of issues around security than ever before. Regardless, fraud is still a problem which means merchants with lax or ineffective security can seriously damage their reputation.