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Why Black Friday will be a catalyst to re-thinking the online checkout
The UK is heading into Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend with all non-essential stores closed, meaning that consumers will need to search online for holiday season deals. How these shoppers pay, and who they choose to buy from, could re-shape the eCommerce checkout for UK retailers permanently.
Are cart abandonments derailing the growth of eCommerce?
More consumers are shopping online during the pandemic, and many say they are planning to do so permanently. But cart abandonments are also on the rise, and this is become a problem for merchants. So could cart abandonments derail the growth of eCommerce in the post COVID-19 era?
Why businesses must invest in innovation during COVID-19
Businesses have been asking themselves whether they can afford to invest during the pandemic, with so many other priorities to consider. But the question shouldn't be whether they can afford to invest during COVID-19, it is whether can they afford not to.
Why security is still the primary concern for online businesses and consumers
Our latest Lost in Transaction research report asked businesses about how they had been affected by COVID-19, and their plans moving forward. The security of their checkouts, and alternative payment methods, are top of their agendas.
Are consumers using payment methods to track their spending more accurately?
Businesses have noticed a change in the way people are paying since the outbreak of COVID-19. Could a new focus on managing their finances be a reason? And if so, how can alternative payments methods make a difference in this area?
Why businesses are turning to eCash during COVID-19
Consumers are shopping online more due to COVID-19, but many still prefer to use cash or increasingly do not want to share their financial details. So eCommerce businesses are turning to eCash to win new customers.
How COVID-19 has reshaped the SMB checkout: In-store
There is a growing gap developing between those in-store businesses that do have an online presence and those that do not, that has been exposed by COVID-19.
How COVID-19 has reshaped the SMB checkout: Online
Businesses recognise that integrating new payment methods into the online checkout is critical, and this has been accelerated by COVID-19
eCash and mCommerce: A perfect match for Gen Z consumers?
Half of Gen Z consumers shop more on mobile than on any other device, making them the leading adopters of mCommerce. With that trend growing, how can businesses better respond to their shopping needs?