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Resource Center
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Payments in Latin America
With the growth of eCommerce and the region’s optimistic prospects, Latin America is an attractive market for global merchants.
The eCash advantage: why it's high time merchants accepted cash at the online checkout
Consumer demand for online cash payments is on the rise. Merchants who accept it at the online checkout stand to gain a significant competitive edge.
Has security won the war against convenience in online payments?
Keeping their payment details safe is customers' top priority when they shop online. But that doesn't mean they're willing to jump through endless hoops or accept poor user experiences as the inevitable price of greater security.
Will pro-cash legislation halt the march towards cashlessness in the U.S.?
Massachusetts blazed the trail in 1978, making it illegal for businesses to refuse cash payments back when debit cards and credit cards were still rare and digital wallets were the stuff of science fiction.
Lost in Transaction Chile: Consumer payments trends 2022
A leader in Latin America when it comes to financial inclusion, the big banked population of Chile use their debit cards more than ever. But as eCommerce continues to increase, alternative payments methods (APMs) are gaining traction.
Lost in Transaction 2022: 5 key findings from our latest research on consumer payment habits
How has the skyrocketing cost of living changed customers’ payment preferences? What are their expectations moving forward, and how do they fit with the payment trends we've been observing over the past few years? In April this year, we interviewed 11,000 consumers in 10 countries across Europe and the Americas to find out.
Lost in Transaction Peru: Consumer payments trends 2022
Supporting a large unbanked population and with alternative payment methods (APMs) already trusted by many consumers, Peru presents a rich opportunity for merchants.
Lost in Transaction: Consumer payment trends 2022
Download our latest research report entitled ‘Lost in Transaction: Consumer payment trends 2022 – Navigating online payments in the age of uncertainty’. This report focuses on changing consumer payment preferences and increased demand for control, flexibility and security.
Tracking the diversification of the online payment landscape
It has been clear for years that the future of online payments isn’t going to rely on a general consumer consensus focused on one, or even a handful of payment methods. Regional preferences have been a developing trend throughout global digital payments as eCommerce has evolved, but so too has been a general shift away dependency on card payments.